Assignment 49: Gender Game


    /// Name: Ryan McAteer
    /// Period: 5
    /// Program Name: Gender Game
    /// File Name:
    /// Date Finished: 11/2/15

import java.util.Scanner;

class Assignment49 
      public static void main(String[] args) 
           Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
           String gender, firstName, lastName, married;
           int age;
           System.out.print( "Hello, what is your gender (M or F): " );
           gender =;
           System.out.print( "First Name: " );
           firstName =;
           System.out.print( "Last Name: " );
           lastName =;
           System.out.print( "Age: " );
           age = keyboard.nextInt();
           if ( gender.equals("F") && age < 20 )
               System.out.println( "Then I shall call you " + firstName + " " + lastName + "." );
           if ( gender.equals("F") && age >= 20 )
               System.out.println( "Are you married, " + firstName + " (Y or N)?" );
               married =;
               if ( married.equals("Y") )
                   System.out.println( "Then I shall call you Mrs. " + lastName + "." );
               else if ( married.equals("N") )
                   System.out.println( "Then I shall call you Ms. " + lastName + "." );
           if ( gender.equals("M") && age < 20 )
               System.out.println( "Then I shall call you " + firstName + " " + lastName + "." );
           if ( gender.equals("M") && age >= 20 )
               System.out.println( "Are you married, " + firstName + " (Y or N)?" );
               married =;
               if ( married.equals("Y") )
                   System.out.println( "Then I shall call you Mr. " + lastName + "." );
               else if ( married.equals("N") )
                   System.out.println( "Then I shall call you Master " + lastName + "." );

Picture of the output

This Should Work